About Us

About Us

The Florida League of Cities, administrator of the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust, is the state-wide advocacy association for the cities, towns and villages of Florida.

The League established its first insurance program in 1977 to provide workers’ compensation coverage and services to governmental entities. Early success of that program led to the establishment of Trusts for the liability, property and health lines of coverage. This firmly established the League as the leader of these services in Florida. 

In 1987, the League opened its Public Risk Services office to administer the programs in-house. Subsequently, the insurance programs were consolidated under the name “Florida Municipal Insurance Trust” (FMIT). 

The FMIT, governed by elected officials, is a non-assessable local government risk-sharing pool. It provides insurance services for approximately 500 public entities in Florida, of which over 250 are municipalities.

The League administers every facet of the FMIT’s operations, from claims handling to rate development, and offers unparalleled claims-paying ability and equity returns for its membership. 

Florida Municipal Insurance Trust - Protecting the Communities We Call Home

Learn more about the Florida League of Cities